Advanced systems > RecoveriX system > RecoveriX system
Technical specifications
We bring to the Czech market an absolute novelty and a unique system for neurological rehabilitation.
The system recoveriX® is used to recover motor function especially after stroke (CMP) and spinal injuries. RecoveriX® is an innovative brain – computer interface (BCI) or interface connecting the brain-device collaboration. This is the first post-CMP rehabilitation system capable of pairing brain activity with motor function. This helped patients restore upper and lower limb function and may be usable in addition to standard therapies. BCI can be used for acute, sub-acute and chronic conditions.
Explanation of principle
A post-CMP patient imagines hand movement, while at the same time they see visual feedback using a virtual reality screen and tactile feedback via functional muscle electrical stimulation (FES). This therapy makes it much easier for patients to restore their ability to grip and exercise the upper limb. The activation of sensory and motor functions is due to mirror neurons. This results in a activation of brain plasticity – process where the brain learns to use a new neural connection to move the affected limb.
- wireless EEG combined with virtual reality and functional electrostimulation
- 16-channel wireless EEG with active electrode system with three axis accelerometer
- high 24-bit resolution
- 500 Hz
- water resistant fittings
- internal impedance check with active electrodes
- EEG caps (sizes S, M, L in price)
- up to eight hours continuous data recording
- notebook with complete recoveriX® software
- monitor displaying instructions and 3D virtual feedback
- 2 single channel functional electrical stimulation devices controlled via software
- an electrostimulation current of up to 60 mA
- pulse width 0–512 μs
- tray table (on request)
- certified medical facility
Motoricka imagination
Introducing limb movement – recoveriX® the system measures brain activity via EEG signals. This leads to the activation of a specific brain region that can be detected by EEG.
- The responsible parts of the brain are activated by the motor imagination, which improves the plasticity of the brain
- BCI guarantees that the actualization movement will only take place when the patient imagines the correct and responsive movement
- simultaneous activation of relevant cortical parts and peripheral neurons encourages Hebb learning
Visual feedback
It is based on EEG signals from a patient that represent virtulal movement of a limb on a screen. This virtual motion simulation provides real-time neurological feedback.
- higher efficacy of therapy
- real-time feedback
- activation of mirror neuron system
The idea of moving causes a real limb movement that a CMP patient is not normally able to perform without help.
- FES allows the patient to exercise and feel movement
- patient motivation associated with visible achievement of target